Friday, February 5, 2016

Just talking to you

 Just me talking to you

I don't have a prepared post today. And no special words of wisdom. I just wanted to share my heart with all of you.

Single parenting is a tough job and it sucks that so many of us have to do it alone  with out the help of the partner that helped create our little persons.  I have raised all three of mine with virtually no help from their fathers.

But I set goals for what I wanted my kids to be when they grew up.  And with my girls, who are 18 and 19 I succeeded. My son is 12 and still a work in progress.

We've had terrible times when I had to put my ex husband in jail, trying  times when my oldest went to juvie, and times when all we could do was hold on to Jesus because nothing made sense.

We were all diagnosed with PTSD and depression. Made for some great days :) My oldest daughter and I are both bi polar and my younger daughter has aspergers. My son has Oppositional defiance disorder.  There was never a dull moment at our house. and rarely a quiet one either.

I tell you all this just to say, if I can get through all of that, you can get through your storm. Whatever it is. Jesus is there, right beside you. Longing to hold you close and pick you you and set you in his lap.

Or drop me an email and I'll listen.  I can be found at Facebook,com/brendagans101.

We also had great times going to concerts, having pillow fights, and family dinners around the table. Oh and taco night picnics on the living room floor were the girls favorite when they were little. Game nights were always fun and video championships were good for a laugh. Unless it was pinball and then it was a serious matter.

Be blessed my friends and know that God is always for you!!