Monday, January 12, 2015

Do you have a Samuel?

One of the most influential people that I met at Destiny Christian Center (what Centralia First Assembly changed there name to) was Becky.  She was older than me, and married, and her children were grown. Or mostly grown. Erin still lived at home and was still in high school when we met I believe. But Becky had been a single mom. For a long time.
Becky had made the decision she wasn't going to remarry. Yet God had different plans for her and brought her Emert, who Meg lovingly calls Marshmallow. When I told her I had no wish to ever marry again she just smiled.
 Becky started out as my counselor at the church.  Then that program ended. But Becky continued to mentor me. She helped me when I had a problem with the kids I couldn't figure a solution to.  I can remember crying on her shoulder many times because I was so tired of doing the single mom thing, but I didn't want to get married and why didn't life make sense?
Then Becky and another dear friend of mine, Linda, started a bible study for single women.  That group had a tremendous impact on me, my single life, and my kids.  The girls would go with me only occasionally.  It was my time off from being a parent and to just be a woman. To unwind, to connect with other women, to learn more about God, and to pray for my sisters in Christ.
I think of all the people I was close to at DCC Becky knew me best. She was my Samuel. And I encourage all of you, if you don't already have a Samuel, pray for one. You need someone in your life who knows all about you, loves you with the love of God anyway, will spend time with you teaching you about God, and praying with you.
I am eternally grateful  for my Samuel.  Miss Becky you are awesome.

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