Thursday, January 15, 2015

What God Can Do

In June of 1998 I was diagnosed with meningitis and spent 5 days in Valley Medical Center in Renton, Wa. They were some of the longest, most painful days of my life.  The headache was excruciation and I couldn't even open my eyes it was so bad. I was 100 miles from home and didn't see my girls once.

When I was finally released my best friend Russ gave me a ride home.  I remember it being a beautiful day, with the sun shining brightly.  Even with sunglasses on the light was too strong for me.

Meg ran to me as soon as see saw me. I picked her up despite the pain and loved her. I started to put her down but she clung to me.  I carried her into the family room where Layni was playing with the little slide.
I told Meg I had to put her down so I could see Layni.  Meg squeezed my neck and let me go.

Layni, however, wanted nothing to do with me. She cried for Grandma when I tried to pick her up.  This went on all summer.  I got sick during a time she was experiencing separation anxiety and didn't come home and she just turned to Grandma. All I could do was pray the God would bond her back to me.

I dealt with the after affect of meningitis for months.  Even now, 17 years later, I still suffer with severe migraines.  The doctor believes they are related to having had meningitis. I cried out to the Lord for healing.  I tired easily, I was sick more often, and I had a much lower threshold for stress. I was blessed to be living with my parents who helped when I had to sit and cry.

My mom was the biggest blessing at this time.  She still is a huge blessing in my life. I love her and my kids are all very close to my mom.

In October of 1998 during the weak Ian was there I was just at the bottom of my strength and reserve was empty.  I'm sure many of you have felt the same way.  To tired to do anything, but having to push through that because your the main or complete support of your kids.  Not being able to have fun with the kids because your just to tired.

I felt I couldn't go any further and I was ready to quit.  I was ready to quit being a mom, to quit being a christian, to quit life period.  I just couldn't live like this anymore. I had barely enough strength for each day.

Then, suddenly, you sent this man to bless me after I was obedient to you. Then you have a message for me through him to. and it was so set to my soul. Simply that you have a wonderful plan for my life. And a lot of times would be a struggle. Yet in the process I would have joy and victory.

From that night on I started to get better.  I still have the headaches. But joy and victory abound in my life.  I have had many, many struggles since this time.  But I give them to God.  As often as I can. And God has done so much in my children's life.

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