Friday, January 9, 2015

School Days

 Layni was 3 months old  to when I went back to school to get my bookkeeping certificate. I hated leaving her even if it was with my mom.  I was in school about two week before they started in daycare.  Maeghan loved it and loved having other kids to play with.
Daycare was a very difficult choice for me.  I didn't want my kids with strangers all day. But my  mom was older and didn't need the burden of the children all day. And I had no friends in the area who could watch them. So daycare was the only option, but I wasn't happy about it.
Shortly after starting school I got a part time job which took me away from the kids even longer in the day. The job was easy, and didn't require a lot of mental thought.  My schedule was crazy. I had school in the morning, work in the afternoon, pick up the girls at 5, home and then dinner. I got to spend about an hour with them before it was time to start our bedtime routine.  After the girls were down, it was homework time for me.
Our weekends were sacred since I only had them every other weekend. We would go to the park, we would go spend time with friends, we would hang out around the house and I would give Meg makeovers.
It was during this time that I met Margret. She attended a different church and I was having difficulties with gossip about me at mine. Certain people, who didn't know our story, didn't approve of my leaving my husband were speaking about it behind my back.
So I asked Margret  a lot of questions about her church before I finally decided to go.  I tried other churches first but I knew the minute I stepped in to Centralia First Assembly God it was my church home. I was there 7 years and made wonderful friends and grew in God in wonderful ways and met some wonderful people who mentored me on my walk as a single mom. They had been there and walked with me through it.
 Margrets  gentle counsel saved my soul and I am forever grateful.

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