Thursday, January 8, 2015

How am I going to do this?

I was a very new Christian and hadn't grown a lot in the church I was in.  I did all I knew to do. I was reading my bible, going to church on Sunday, praying, and talking to my mom about things. But I had no idea how to do this single parenting thing.  And neither did she. She had never been a single mom.  She has been married to my Dad for 59 years now.
I also had my best friend Russ. "Unka Russ" Meg called him.  He'd been my best friend for 5 years, the best I could ask for. Didn't matter what time it was, I could call him and he would answer.  He was always there for me. But still, even he didn't know what I was going through either because he had never been married. And he didn't have kids.
So I started crying out to God. Daily, sometimes hourly, persistently. Asking, seeking and knocking, just like the bible said.  I believed the bible was the living, breathing Word of God and everything it said was true. So I put it into practice. I cried out for a friend who knew what I was going through because they were going through it too.  Someone who knew my sorrow, my struggles, my pain as a mom and my secret longings that went with being a woman. And for Him to give me strength to do the job he had called me to do.
It wasn't until DeLayne (from here on out referred to as Layni) was 7 months that God brought us to a different church. It was here I met so many people who poured into me.It was here I began to grow into the woman God wanted me to become. The first woman I met, who was part of the welcoming team, was Tamara.  Turns out, she had been a single mom and knew my struggles.  She offered to get coffee later in the week. I jumped on it.
This would be the beginning of 7 of the most beautiful, wonderful, painful, stretching years I would ever know.  And God was behind every moment. Leading and guiding us all the way.

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